So finally got back to it and cleaned up the prototype. found some good plans online and this is what i ended up with. i built it from 6mm depron foam and regular hot glue.. Manual model airboat plans welcome here i know and you can take a benefit from here guide for model airboat plans this is a little from other blog order lake buggy airboat plans | lake buggy airboats, order lake buggy mini airboat plans here. the plans are inexpensive and you can build an airboat with tools you have right at home. one and two seat plans... The 5 best rc airboats. we have compiled a list of the best 5 rc airboats currently out on the market. rc airboats are the most fun you’ll ever have on the water. the aquacraft mini alligator tour airboat is an extremely authentic model of an rc airboat that is both accurate and powerful. click to shop or read reviews..
Building and testing a custom rc airboat by terry dunn on aug. 20, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.. terry walks us through his design, construction, and testing of a custom rc airboat after having tested a read-to-drive kit.. My second test run with single motor set up, while waiting for the twin motors from china. the mod hull performed fine after added the reverse chine to both sides above and below the water line. Rc ship plans and rc boat plans for download free - a collection of free ship plans for model ship and model boats that i have built. you will find the plans and build pictures for each model on this page - now updated with a new page 2 and sail boat plans page by john tomlinson.